When you place the newly painted ventilation nozzles for floor heating in the ducts, cover them with saw marks on the underfloor to cover them.
If you can afford to get a new one, cut the end shape that will go on the baseboard in an old-fashioned way. If you love power tools, the miter box is a genius invention, but the table saw has seen better days And it's a goner. When the filler is dry, grind it with one hand - a sanded sanding block - and you're on the move. If necessary, you can also paint over the top of the plywood cutting saw marks before sanding the block.
The industry standard is to obtain a flat, well-found, flat - and well-ground block with a 1 / 4-inch thick layer of filler.
Usually, I use a 36-grain edge to grind seams and high spots, but you can use a 1 / 4-inch thick layer of filler or even a 2 / 3-inch layer to examine the flatness deviation.
The best method I found is to sand each layer with a power orbital sander, leaving a paper backing to pull out the old vinyl floor. If you glue your project substrate made of wood, scarify the substrate with a 16-grain paper buffer.
Then sand the floor until it is very smooth, but be careful not to sand all the green on the plywood, which makes a big difference when you dye it. I blew out a zillion sandpaper discs, sanded off every layer of glue, and finally left a glue-covered wooden floor. The bonus is that you can grind the floors with a power orbital sander and then sand them until they are very smooth.
It is very easy to plane the plywood underfloor and thus create surfaces that need to be worked with a putty - sanded until you have a smooth floor again. If you use a floor sander, you will want to work at the edges and in hard-to-reach areas. Hand-held belt sanders are best, as they remove the glue more easily than a power orbital sander, but not as quickly.
While other sanders can be used, you can do the work yourself, but not as fast as a power sander.
Finishing sanding with 120 - 150-grain sandpaper and suction before and after sanding.
If the topcoat is oil-based, use an oil or water-based primer and apply it with a brush or foam applicator. If it is water-based, enamel oil and / or water-based floor and seal the wood with high-quality floor primer. This ensures better adhesion to topcoats and seals in better water and oil adhesives. If it is oil, use a high-quality oil-based primer, such as polyurethane or polyester.
For a stunning do-it-yourself finish, fill the joints in your plywood underfloor with a quick-setting dry wood compound and a spatula.
The sky is the limit when it comes to your design, but the key is to prepare as discussed above. While you coat your plywood floor with a few layers of polyurethane, you can also use a special detail. Primer ensures that the paint adheres and also helps to seal loose wood chips.
With a wooden floor, the first thing you should do is always sand the adjacent seams, but for this task, you have to sand the entire layout. It is a good practice to sand first the highest, then the lower and finally the middle seams.
The seams can be easily sanded with a buffer on coarse sandpaper, but after sanding, you can use wood putty to fill the large holes.
Building plywood also looks attractive when covered with several layers of enamel, even when properly prepared. You can paint directly on a prefabricated and finished plywood floor or primer the plywood when you paint the floor in Kentucky.
First, however, you must prepare by removing staples and glue, making sure you are sufficiently attached to the beams and filling in any cracks and gaps. Sanding plywood with an orbital sander is an effective method of leveling and smoothing the plywood before varnishing.
When it is time to paint, it is recommended to paint several thin layers over the entire surface, not just the top layer of plywood and not just the bottom layer.
The key is to get a smooth surface around the edges so that there are no gaps in laying the floor. Apply sanding sealing to the surface of the wooden planks and edges and use a circular saw when cutting boards or cutting boards. This reduces the amount of sand and the piece of wood has fewer cracks.
In addition, sanding the plywood parts before installation will produce a better surface finish and appearance and reduce installation costs.